Course Descriptions
Core Courses (15 Credits)
APC 101 Leadership Theory and Practice (3 credits)
A summary of current leadership theory with rich historical examples, including case study analysis. The course employs a cross-cultural approach and employs both historical and theoretical materials.
APC 501 Organizational Leadership and Management (3 credits)
A survey of organizational literature in the West and Asia, and a review of organizational effectiveness and quality management. Focus includes business, government, educational, and military organizations. Instruction employs case studies and examples drawn from multiple societies in Asia and the Pacific.
APC 201 Leadership and Cultural Knowledge (3 credits)
A survey of major historical groups, the influence of smaller cultural groups on larger cultural patterns, and a sense of how modernity has come to affect these traditions. Employs a comparative perspective and the use of many primary texts.
APC 502 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)
An integrated approach to research incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods.
APC 202 Global Theory and Events (3 credits)
This course focuses on various and complex meanings of "globalization," the impact of many global phenomena on nations, including changes in the nature of the nation-state, and implications for the near and long-term future.
Elective Courses (15 Credits)
APC 301 Leadership for Peace and Harmony (3 credits)
An introductory survey of conflict resolution, mediation, negotiation, and peace studies.
APC 102 Politics of Asia and the Pacific (3 credits)
A survey course designed to provide the participant with a working knowledge of the basic features of government and politics in Asian and Pacific nations.
APC 530 Asian and Pacific History (3 credits)
A survey of historical trends in Asia and the Pacific with a primary emphasis on those patterns which have led to cultural, social, linguistic, and religious convergences and divergences.
APC 402 Education and Leadership (3 credits)
Surveys traditions of educational leadership, including selected cross-cultural and societal references, and focuses on recurring issues in education. Of particular interest are issues of innovation, social and cultural continuity, bureaucratic and policy interfaces to educational systems, and challenges of equity under change. The increasingly important issue of education as a public good and as a private commodity is also addressed.
APC 302 Economics of Asia and the Pacific (3 credits)
This course presumes some background in basic economics. A brief review of the economic history of the region, followed by a focus on the historical development and features of the largest and most influential economies as well as the poorer, subsistence economies.
APC 560 Social Change (3 credits)
A persistent feature of the current era is the high rate of social change throughout the world. This course considers theories of social change and dimensions of change in several Asian and Pacific societies.
APC 570 Technology in the 21st Century (3 credits)
A survey of the major technological trends of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, with a projection of technological directions in the future. Additionally, the widening technological gap between developed and developing nations will be addressed. Participants are challenged to link technology with other aspects of leadership challenges.
APC 401 Human Rights and Governance (3 credits)
Human rights, systematically articulated in international law since 1948, articulate norms under which states and other agencies should govern. This course will examine how human rights work, not only in terms of setting standards but also in terms of indicating what institutional arrangements are needed to ensure that these values are realized. The course will give special attention to the interrelationships among the different levels of governance and the ways in which responsibilities should be partitioned among them.
APC 590 Political, Racial and Religious Philosophies of Asia and the Pacific (3 credits)
A survey course of the major political and religious philosophies in Asia and the Pacific with particular emphasis on their interactive influences. The participant will be asked to develop an appreciation of "modem" applications of these philosophies in contemporary practice.
APC 600 Population and Health (3 credits)
Asia is the most populous region of the world. An appreciation of population dynamics and the health possibilities and issues that result from them is essential to well-rounded notions of leadership. Participants will be expected to do a future-oriented project based on various population and health models.
APC 610 Modern and Post-modern Organization (3 credits)
Most collective work is done through organizations, and organizations are changing character rapidly. This course focuses on how organizations have been studied in the past, major findings of organizational dynamics, and "new" theories of organizational change.